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Our environment, whether it is our homes, schools, or workplaces, they all contain potential causes of environmental allergies. The best thing you can do is avoid these allergens, however it is easier said than done. Many allergens are airborne such as plant pollen, mold, or other substances. Our allergists can provided information that can help you decrease your exposure to these allergens. There are also treatment options we can provided that will help reduce your sensitivity to those allergens that affect you.

Common Environmental Triggers:

Dust Mites

Dust mites are small bugs that live in carpets, bedding, mattresses, etc. It is impossible to completely get rid of dust mites no matter how clean your house is. To limit contact with dust mites you can:

  • Use dust-proof covers for your bedding
  • Don’t have too many stuffed animals out in your bedroom

Trees, grass, and weeds produce pollen that will be airborne and inhaled. Pollen causes seasonal allergy symptoms and trigger asthma. The springtime has the highest pollen levels from trees. The fall has the highest pollen levels from grass and weeds. Follow these tips to avoid contact with pollen:

  • Don’t open your windows during the pollen season.
  • Stay indoors during the mid-day and afternoon hours
  • After work or being outdoors, shower and wash your hair
  • Pet allergies are caused by their dander. Consider shorter haired pets over long-haired pets
  • Keep pets outdoors and restrict access to specific rooms.
  • Always wash your hands after playing or petting pets.
  • Give your pet(s) a bathe once a week.

Molds can enter your home any time you open a window or door. With the right conditions, a home can develop a mold problem. Molds grow on wood, fabrics, wallboard, and any virtually any other surface given the right conditions. Damp basements, restrooms, anywhere there is fresh food, air conditioners, and mattresses are just some of the many places that mold can grow. To control mold:

  • Clean bathrooms, kitchens, and basements regularly
  • Do not use humidifiers

More Common Triggers:

  • Odors – Strong odors from paint, cleaning products, perfumes, hair spray, etc. can trigger your symptoms.
  • Cold Air – During cold seasons, cover your mouth and nose.
  • Colds & Infections – Wash your hands frequently
  • Exhaust – Do not start your in an attached garage. The fumes from your car can travel to the inside of your home.
  • Smoke – Avoid smoking tobacco and don’t allow tobacco smoke in your car and home.